CMRI Hospital, Kolkata, India

More or less, we all are aware of the fact that there remain some scars after plastic surgery. Therefore, one of the most common concerns that revolve around plastic surgery is whether there is any way to reduce or minimize the scars after plastic surgery. However, to be honest, there is barely any way that can completely eliminate post-surgical scars. Still, thankfully, there are some effective ways that can help you minimize the scars after plastic surgery. Listen to the best doctor for plastic surgery in Kolkata if you want to know the ways you can reduce your scars after any plastic procedure –

1. Follow post-operative care instructions:

Your cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata will certainly provide specific post-operative instructions for wound care and scar management. Follow them diligently to ensure proper healing and minimize complications and post-surgical scarring.

2. Keep the incision site clean and dry:

To minimize the scars, you can regularly clean the incision site with mild soap and water as directed by your plastic surgeon. Avoid submerging the wound in water until it has fully healed.

3. Use silicone sheets or gels:

Some doctors’ recommended silicone products, such as sheets or gels can help soften and flatten scars after plastic surgery. These products create a barrier that helps retain moisture and reduce collagen overproduction, which can lead to hypertrophic scars.

4. Massage the scar tissue:

Gently massaging the healing scar can improve your blood circulation and reduce scar tissue formation. Consult your plastic surgeon on when and how to perform scar massage effectively on the area.

5. Go for topical treatments:

Some topical treatments, such as vitamin E creams or capsules, onion extract gels, or products containing alpha hydroxy acids, may be recommended to improve scar appearance.

6. Avoid sun exposure:

Protect the healing scar from direct sunlight for at least a year after surgery. This is because UV radiation can darken and worsen the appearance of scars.

7. Avoid smoking:

If you are considering or have undergone plastic surgery, you must know that smoking can impair wound healing and contribute to more prominent scars. Therefore, if you smoke, consider quitting before and after your plastic surgery.

8. Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet:

Proper hydration and nutrition often support the body’s healing processes, potentially improving scar healing as well.

9. Camouflage makeup:

Once the wound has completely healed, you can use skin-friendly makeup designed to conceal your post-operative scars temporarily.

Remember that scars after plastic surgery will typically fade away and improve over time naturally. So, be patient with the healing process. If you have concerns about your scars, consult the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata for further guidance and appropriate medical interventions.

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