CMRI Hospital, Kolkata, India

The result of a successful breast augmentation surgery is simply life-changing. A woman who has gone through breast augmentation surgery feels more confident, more self-assured, and more comfortable with her own body for years after the procedure. However, when a woman chooses to surgically modify her breasts, one thing that is certain is that she wants a smooth operation as well as an easy and speedy recovery. Let the best doctor for plastic surgery in Kolkata provide 4 pro tips in order to recover soon after breast augmentation.

Choose comfortable innerwear

Wearing an uncomfortable innerwear after breast augmentation surgery is probably something you must avoid anyway. To be more specific, you need to avoid wearing underwired bras for at least 6 weeks after the surgical procedure. Underwired bras are not suitable for post-operative swollen, tender breasts. Besides, during this time, wearing underwired bras may cause some irritations like itching to the skin, and sometimes the incisions may become inflamed. The friction from the wire along with your sutures might also cause acute pain and hamper your recovery.

Keep your incisions away from water

Your incisions should be wisely taken care of until all your wounds recover fully. Hence, try not to submerge your new incisions, whether in a bathtub or a swimming pool. This is because water from the bath or pool may deliver bacteria to your newly sutured skin and incisions. This may lead to infection along with some serious complications. As an alternative, a warm shower is often a better option since it decreases the chances of having an infection while relaxing sore chest muscles.

Always sleep on your back

Until you fully recover, it is recommended to sleep on your back. This is because, if you had implant surgery, sleeping on your stomach or any of your sides can cause your implants to shift or droop. Sleeping on your back is always the safest option. It does not cause any complications while sleeping and helps in a speedy recovery.

Restrict yourself from upper body exercise and heavy weight lifting

Doing strenuous upper body exercises and picking up heavy weights (including children) just after the surgery is strictly prohibited. These activities may lead to severe bleeding and interfere with the recovery process.

However, it is important to choose the best breast augmentation surgeon in Kolkata who will surely provide you with specific instructions before and after surgery to ensure that you have the best experience possible. Apart from that, planning ahead to take special care of yourself after breast augmentation surgery, including eating right, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough rest, goes a long way toward an easy, smooth, and speedy recovery procedure.

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